League Bylaws

at The Wilmette Golf Club

Approved June 2023

Article I

These Bylaws govern the leagues of the Women’s Golf Association (WGA) at the Wilmette Golf Course (WGC):

  • Monday 18
  • Tuesday 18 [Suburban Women Golfers (SWG)]
  • Thursday 18 [Wilmette Women’s Golf Association (WWGA)]
  • Monday 9 (W-K Nine Holers)
  • Tuesday 9 [The Associated Golfers (TAGS 9)]

Article II

The purpose of these organizations is to foster improved golf and friendships for their members. They will do this by organizing and directing golf events for their individual leagues. The leagues’ policies shall be consistent with those of the WGA, WGC, and the United States Golf Association (USGA).

Article III

Section 1: Number of Members
The Board of Directors of each league may limit the number of members for their respective leagues.

Section 2: Membership Requirements
These golf leagues shall be open to all women who:

a. pay annual WGA dues, and

b. establish and maintain a World Handicap System handicap. Membership in any one of these leagues shall bind the member to uphold the Bylaws and other rules of the individual league, the WGA, the WGC and the USGA.

Section 3: General Membership

a. Membership shall be by application on-line accompanied by the required fee. New members shall play at least two (2) rounds with a current or former Board Member or assigned mentor.

b. A new member is one who has not played in another WGA league.

c. An active member of a league may become a Social Member of that league. She shall have the privilege of attending all meetings, and social events of the respective league to which she belongs.

Article IV

Section 1: League Dues
Dues shall be fixed annually by the respective league’s Board of Directors. 

Section 2: Other Dues
All members must also pay fees for the WGA, and the Chicago District Golf Association (CDGA) or its equivalent.

Article V
Board of Directors

Section 1: Officers and Directors
The Board of Directors of each league shall consist of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, and at least three (3) but not more than five (5) Directors at Large. Each league shall determine how many Directors at Large they will need to cover the following responsibilities: membership, social activities, scheduling, tournaments, and events and handicap.

Section 2: Nominations and Election

a. Any member of a league shall be eligible for any of the offices of their respective league subject to the conditions hereinafter specified. No member shall be eligible for the office of President who has not previously been a member of the Board of Directors for one (1) year. A member shall have played one (1) full season before she is eligible for any office.

b. The Nominating Committee shall select a single slate of officers which shall be approved by the respective Board of Directors and then submitted to the membership at least one (1) week prior to the End of Year Meeting, at which time the election shall be held. Nominations for all offices may be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee.

Article VI
Duties of the Board of Directors

A. President

1. shall preside at all meetings of their respective Board of Directors and league membership;

2. shall appoint such committees as are necessary and serve as an ex-officio member of all league committees;

3. shall appoint the Chairs of the Standing Committees; and

4. shall attend WGA Board meetings and report back to the league Board of Directors and the league membership.

B. Secretary

1. shall preside in the absence of the President.

2. shall keep the minutes of the league and Board of Directors’ meetings, and

3. shall be responsible for all league correspondence.

C. Treasurer

1. shall work closely with the WGA Treasurer to assure that money due the league is accounted for;

2. shall report monthly to the Board of Directors on all receipts and disbursements for the league; and 

3. shall spend money of the league only as authorized by the Board of the Directors.

D. Director at Large
Each respective league shall have a job description which outlines the specific duties of each of the Directors at Large. These duties will include at least:

1. coordination of welcoming and orientation of new members and renewal for members;

2. coordination of all social activities including the league luncheons;

3. coordination of the weekly golf tee times in conjunction with WGC;

4. coordination of all competitive and weekly events; and

5. coordination of all handicaps.

E. All officers and committee chairs shall deliver to their successors all accounts, books, and property of the league with which they have been entrusted during or before the first meeting of the league year.

F. No officer, committee member or league member shall incur any indebtedness on behalf of the league without the approval of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have no power to incur indebtedness for the league beyond the amount of cash on hand or in the process of collection.

Article VII

Section 1: Standing Committees

a. Audit Committee, consisting of three (3) members appointed by the President, shall audit the books of the Treasurer at the end of the league year, and submit a written report at the opening meeting of the following year.

b. Nominating Committee, consisting of one (1) member from each division of the league and one (1) from the Board who will serve as the Chair, shall select, and submit to the membership a single slate of officers.

Section 2: Special Committees
The President may form special committees to address specific issues whenever necessary.

Article VIII

Section 1: Board Meetings
The Board of Directors shall meet at least every other month and report their activities to the membership on a regular basis either at a membership meeting or via email.

Section 2: Membership Meeting
Regular membership meetings shall be held in sufficient number to ensure timely communication and enable business to be transacted.

Meetings may be held in person, telephonically, electronically or any combination thereof.

Article IX

Any of the leagues may amend these Bylaws by submitting the change to the WGA Board of Directors. The WGA Board of Directors shall approve any such change before it is submitted to the membership for their vote. This shall be done at any regular or special meeting of the WGA by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present. Each member shall be notified of these amendments one (1) week prior to the meeting with a copy of these changes sent via email and posted on the league bulletin board.

Article X
Standing Rules

Standing Rules for the respective leagues shall be adopted by the Board of Directors and be consistent with the WGA and WGC rules as well as the USGA.